Business Partners
Our Existing Software Users
We consider our users to be our main business partners.
Our users have invested both finances and time based on their belief in the strategic future of our products.
Over the years, quite a number have made very useful requests and suggestions for improvements to the various modules.
Many of these have already been implemented, and a number of others have been scheduled for inclusion at some appropriate point in the not too distant future.
We enjoy warm and friendly feedback and interaction with most of our users - which is what one should expect between parties who recognise that they are partners together
in a mutually beneficial venture, that has worked well so far, and promises to continue to do so for many years into the future.
Computer Industry Partners
We are always on the lookout for reliable and proficient dealers and training organisations that are interested in providing local support and services associated with our products.
While we do our very best to provide all necessary assistance and support through our web-site and Help-Desk, some users really appreciate having local flesh-and-blood support.
We are also very open to establishing distributor and dealership agreements with organisations who wish to proactively sell our software to their existing or new clients.
If you are in the computer industry and wish to explore this further with us, please
telephone us on +64 9 262 2020, or e-mail us at: